Sunday, April 8, 2012

Week 2

Starting WT: 192.6
Todays WT:  190.8  (-1.8 lbs)

Ya... I think I found my grove. Mostly it is thanks to my new love of juicing.

 Today, being a holiday, I allowed myself to stray from my 'norm' and enjoy some of the treats from today. This included:  2 mini snickers, 2 carrot cake cupcakes and 1 piece of razzelberry pie

Knowing that this is a quarter of what I would have eaten if I wasn't on the right track makes me comfortable with what I ate. The crud I ate, however, is making me very uncomfortable. I am already paying for it... oy.

I am still working on my way of thinking. Knowing now that I CAN have something but not WANT it is making a huge difference.. but this week I will also be learning to finish my day and not look back on it.

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in: forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense." Ralph Waldo Emerson

This week is done and I am happy with what I did and learned. Today was a beautiful family day and I will be fine with what I ate. Tomorrow is a new day and I will face it full on and with all my heart.

(a pic from todays Easter fun)


  1. Well done for dropping almost 2 lbs this week! That's awesome :)
    Not looking back and being held back by any obstacles in the day is a good attitude. It's all about learning from not just our mistakes but also our successes and moving forward with that new knowledge!
    Good luck with week 3 :)

  2. Good job on the loss. Good luck with this coming week. :)

  3. Fantastic loss, that is a job well done. :) Keep it up!

  4. Good week! I never tried juicing, how do you get in your protein? Just add whey to your shakes?

  5. Wohoo! Great job! I love juicing :)

  6. I think it's very cool that we have both found our grooves at the same time, since I've been observing your ups and downs, and just waiting to feel inspired to finally join your efforts...until a month ago. 10 lbs. down (via WW) and I'm feeling better already. :) Congrats on a wonderful week! I've changed my attitude to "Slow and steady wins the race," and so far, so good. I'm taking a supplement to help me manage my sleep and stress (cortisol over-production), and that helps a ton, too. Once the groove is found, it's time to turn on the heat, baby! :D

  7. Great loss for week 2! And I'm loving your attitude about enjoying the "bad" foods but still keeping it under control.

  8. Hi! So glad I found your blog on the challenge link up. I just got a juicer today!! Looking forward to checking out your juice ideas!! Congrats on your loss!!

  9. Great job on the loss! Keep it going! Good luck on week 3! :D

  10. oooh!!! can you post a map showing where to find said groove? you definitely found it. great great loss!

  11. Great attitude. Keep up the good work.

  12. Our thoughts make a big difference in how we approach this whole getting healthy thing. We can do it and be miserable or do it and be happy. Our choice. Looks like you chose the happy one!
    Good luck!

  13. I'm glad you enjoyed your Easter with your family. I hope you had a successful week three, I'll be back to check it out once you've posted!

  14. Thank you for the link. I hadn't heard of that film. I'm gonna check about it for Netflix or something. 35 bucks for a DVD is a total rip-off, so I won't pay that. Especially since I have believed for a while now that most of what we see packaged and sold is crap, not real food, so hubby and I eat a mroe whole food diet and we belong to an organic, loca-foods oriented coop.

    But it looks really interesting, that documentary.

    TAHNKS...and I hope this week has been good to you.

  15. I just watched a documentary on Netflix about juicing and have been considering it. Maybe I'll give it a go!

    Best of luck with week 4!
