Monday, April 16, 2012

Week 4 ....

I won't say that this week was a total loss... but I will say that my husband is a bad influence on me :)

This was his week off. I still juiced my breakfast, and for all those that have shown interest in it... it is totally worth it! But having a man in the house for lunch and dinner... well, I can't make a salad or grill up some veggies. Oh no, there has to be MEAT... and where there is meat, there are carbs. *sigh* So this week I stayed on track 1/3 of the time. Lunch and dinner was way more then it should have been.

Today, Hubby has headed back to work and I am detoxing once again. My cravings for bread and sugar are unbearable.. and yes, I have given in to them. Half a banana nut muffin and some small chocolate mints.

I am going back and forth in my head... "I'll start fresh tomorrow.... no, I should start NOW... but I've already ruined today, tomorrow I will be stronger.... I shouldn't wait or tomorrow will be harder" Yes, the battle in my head has gone on for hours now. When the weaker side was winning was when I ate the muffin and chocolates. When the stronger side was winning I managed to juice some delicious breakfast and a strawberry banana smoothie. Water has managed to completely disappear from my routine altogether.

I havent stepped on the scale, and I doubt I will,  for fear of seeing a gain. Tomorrow I am planning on taking a spin class in the morning to help burn the calories I've eaten today. :)

As for those that have asked what I am juicing:

Breakfast juice:

1 handful of parsley
1 handful of cilantro
1 cucumber
6 carrots
3 stalks of celery
1 apple
1 lemon


Afternoon snack (great for when your craving something sweet)

6 strawberries
1 frozen banana
1 juiced apple
1 tbsp chia seeds

(soak chia seeds in apple juice for 10 min. Then put everything into a blender and blend!)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Week 2

Starting WT: 192.6
Todays WT:  190.8  (-1.8 lbs)

Ya... I think I found my grove. Mostly it is thanks to my new love of juicing.

 Today, being a holiday, I allowed myself to stray from my 'norm' and enjoy some of the treats from today. This included:  2 mini snickers, 2 carrot cake cupcakes and 1 piece of razzelberry pie

Knowing that this is a quarter of what I would have eaten if I wasn't on the right track makes me comfortable with what I ate. The crud I ate, however, is making me very uncomfortable. I am already paying for it... oy.

I am still working on my way of thinking. Knowing now that I CAN have something but not WANT it is making a huge difference.. but this week I will also be learning to finish my day and not look back on it.

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in: forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense." Ralph Waldo Emerson

This week is done and I am happy with what I did and learned. Today was a beautiful family day and I will be fine with what I ate. Tomorrow is a new day and I will face it full on and with all my heart.

(a pic from todays Easter fun)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Lessons learned...

I can't say that my week was perfect. I can't say that it was a total loss either! The biggest turn around was watching the movie 'Hungry for Change'.   I sat in the dark and watched it before the rest of the house woke up. It hit home.

My new mantra is not... "I CAN'T eat that"... its "I CAN eat that, but I DON'T WANT TO!"

Trying thinking that the next time you see a piece of chocolate cake... or a pizza. Making that small change of can't to can.. but don't want to... makes a HUGE difference.

I am also doing a detox right now. I am juicing my breakfast and lunch. This morning I had an amazing glass of apple, celery, cucumber, parsley, lemon, and carrot juice. I know that in your head that sounds terrible... but it is a glass of heaven! Yesterday was my first day of detox... even fitting in a run in the afternoon when my Hubby got home. (which is very unusual, because I am usually too tired by then)

I did not hit my goals for last week.. but I do feel like I have made some big progress.

Next week... my goal is to stick to my juicing... run at least 3 days this week and for the challenge workout... I will be doing my Hubbys RushFit workout for 2 days.

In other news... my little girl ROCKS the soccer field!!