Friday, September 28, 2012

Today is the Day!!

I am bouncing all over the place today. I know the UPS man doesn't get to this side of town until the late afternoon... but I can't stop looking out the window! Today, I get my Body by Vi shakes! I am super excited to start mixing up some yummy pina colada shakes.... or their peanut butter cup recipe!

As promised I took out the scale this morning and weighed myself.... took my measurements (no sucking in) and a very unflattering picture (but aren't all 'before' pics?) . But... I feel very positive this morning. I know that my mind is in a different place then it has been the past year. I know that seeing this through will be my change. I have a ton of support from my family at home... as well as my Jiu Jitsu extended family that push me 3 times a week.

The picture is of me in an old pair of "skinny" jeans that I wore comfortably 2 years ago. My goal at the end of my 90 day challenge is to be wearing these puppies again.

So... as my children would say....  'feast your eyes' :

Day 1 

Wt: 194

Chest: 41 inches

Waist: 41 inches

Hips: 44 inches

(I don't feel comfortable putting the 'before' pic up just yet.... but I will keep it for the 30 day comparison) 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Happy Anniversary Colorado!!

This weekend will mark 1 year of living in Colorado. I have to say that it is one of the best places we have ever lived. It may have to do with the timing too. The kids are old enough to join in on things like sports and music... so we are constantly running around and having fun. The weather is bearable... so far no 10 foot snow mounds or 110 degree days!

 My daughter and her dog in the Colorado River

Since we have been here we have done things like hiking... mountain climbing... mountain biking and running.  I could have lost a lot of weight this summer had I given up food! (or at least not eaten so much of it!)

Waterfalls on our hike!!

Living here you can't help but enjoy life... I am ready for this 90 day challenge... mentally and physically. Its time I quit messing around and get down to business. 7 years of dieting, losing and gaining and losing and gaining... thats enough!!! 

Yesterday was a clean eating day with lots of water. I also had Jiu Jitsu last night and got to roll with a great gal from Southern California. She made me work hard! I left class drenched in sweat.. with a little bit of a limp and a tear... but it was all good! 

My shakes from Body by Vi have shipped and I am expecting to start my challenge on Monday or Tuesday! I will take my before pics and measurements and post them then!

Its time that I step out from behind the camera!! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Is anyone still reading here??

Well, I wouldn't blame you if you found someone knew. I mean, come on, 6 months without a new post?? Yikes!!

I will tell you right now.. it's like nothing has happened in the last 6 months. (not really, a million things have happened... but way too much to write about today!) I have gained and lost the same 5 lbs over and over again... but am still in the 190's. I have stopped juicing out of laziness ... but have signed up with my daughters in Jiu Jitsu. We go three times a week and am slowly getting my body back into fight mode.

One of the biggest things going on... and the reason I started blogging again... is my new 90 day challenge!!!  I am starting on Body by Vi. A program where you drink 2 shakes a day. The shakes are super nutritious and not only help you lose weight, but also give you the nutrients your body needs to give you healthy skin, nails and hair!

I have 45 lbs to lose and I know that if I can give it my all, I can do it in 90 days.

If you want to try Body by Vi... or just want to learn more about it... go here and watch the video or order it for yourself!

I am waiting for my order to arrive... but be ready for Day 1 photos and measurements :)